Tuesday, August 17, 2004


CONUS Replacement Center (CRC)
Information for Contractors
based on Class cycle 76
15 August – 21 August 2004

There are two CRCs for the United States Military currently. The following information is for Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX. The CRC is the designed for deploying soldiers and contractors to a hostile areas during times of war. Most of the week spent in CRC is side by side the soldiers. Half of the time is spent performing mandatory medical checks. The concern of the military is that whomever they send over is healthy enough for one year in the "Theater," as they refer to the Middle East.

You must have all your medical information:

1 A complete physical with CBC, U/A and Blood Sugar.
2 Females need a recent Pap Smear and Mammogram
3 Anyone over 40 years of age needs an EKG and Lipid Evaluation

If you do not have the above tests, you will have to go off the base and pay for these tests out of your own pocket.

The following information is required, but can be acquired at the base without an additional expense. It will slow you down, however.

1 HIV test within the last 6 months
2 Current prescription for your glasses, plus an extra pair (if you receive an Anthrax shot, you should not wear your contacts for 3 weeks!)
3 All your dental records, a panoramic X ray of your teeth and a note from your dentist saying you are good for one year with no dental work.
4 A complete list of all the shots you have gotten. This is very important if you have had Small Pox, Anthrax and other shots. No shot record means you get them all over. If you refuse, even if you are civilian, you will not be allowed to deploy.
You will be given shoots at no expense, you lost your record or have not had them.
5 Your Blood Type (you cannot be issued a CAC card until you have this.)


The rest of time here is training and briefing on the Middle East and things you need to know, like some basic combat First Aid, NBC: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons (and using the M 40 gas mask in those areas), and other things important for survival in the Theater. All of this is review for the soldiers, so if you have no military experience and are going over there pay careful attention. Your life and others could depend on what you learn in CRC.